Ordering Information

If there is anything not currently listed you are interested in please send me an e-mail and I will see what is available. Thank you and good growing!

Due to work commitments I have have fallen behind badly with propagating my plants. But hope to catch up in 2021! Will be retired from my day job soon and plan on concentrating on my plants soon afterwards!

Currently working on dividing and taking cuttings from my plants! Ebay sales will be added on Sunday nights. Keep an eye out for them!


To order please either complete & print out order form or write out order on sheet of paper. And send either a cheque or PO made out to Bill Sherren to the address below. Or pay by credit card/ PayPal by e-mailng me via logo with your plant requirements so I can arrange payment.

All plants are sent out Bare-Rooted. If you prefer to receive the plants potted, please add £3 per plant ordered.

NO HIDDEN COSTS! All plant prices INCLUDE 1st Class P&P for UK delivery.

For EU orders please e-mail me for postage costs.

Unfortunately I cannot ship plants to other parts of the World apart from the UK and the EU.

Please allow 14 days for delivery. Although I normally post plants on the first Tuesday after receiving a Paypal/PO order. For orders by cheque it is the first Tuesday after the 5 working day cheque clearance.

Please make out cheque or PO to Bill Sherren and send it to;

Bill Sherren

63 Cross Road Walmer Kent CT14 9LA


All orders will be confirmed by e-mail, if address is added to order form.

The photos of the plants for sale show fairly mature specimens and do not represent the size of the plant for sale, unless otherwise indicated. Many of the plants offered are in very short supply and will be offered as and when they are fully ready for sale. If you are looking for a particular plant not listed, please let me know as I may well have a spare for sale, or can let you know when one becomes available.

If you would like to be notified as to when my price list is updated, please e-mail me via the "contact me" option at the top of this page. Thanks.

Sarracenia plants will have old pitchers trimmed back for ease of posting.



CEPHALOTUS FOLLICULARIS (Western Australian Pitcher)


Cephalotus Follicularis

Source: Adrian Slacks original nursery


Young plants










Darlingtonia Californica

Source: Walmer Nursery



Medium Sized plants.

Mostly near flowering size








Drosera whittakeri tubers

Source: Sarracenia Nursery

Young tubers

D. Capensis- Narrow Leaf form

Source: UK CPS


medium/large plants

Flowering or near flowering size.








HELIAMPHORA ( Sun Pitchers )











NEPENTHES (Monkey Cup Pitcher) Species & Hybrids

N. alata

Source: Marston Exotics


This is the "Real" N. alata which produces attractive yellow slim pitchers with a bulbous base and on the lower pitchers pronounced wings.




N. bellii x thorelii x aristolochioides


Man Made Hybrid

Source: Exotica Plants


Unrooted Cutting



N. coplandii

Source: Borneo Exotics



Beautiful and easy to grow Highland Nepenthes.


N. flava

Source: Wistuba





N. ventricosa

Clones 1 & 2 & 3

Source: Borneo Exotics/ Wistuba



Another beautiful and easy to grow Nepenthes.

Nepenthes ventricosa x (clipeata x ventricosa)

Man Made Hybrid

Source: Exotica Plants

Highland/ Intermediate

Quite a variable looking plant with both dark and light coloured pitchers throughout! Another famous cross from Geoff Mansell!

N. Lowii x ventricosa red

Man Made Hybrid

Source: Exotica Plants


Unrooted Cutting

N. "Lady Pauline"

N. talangensis x maxima

Man Made Hybid

Source: Borneo Exotics




Unrooted Cutting





N. Maxima x mixta

Man Made Hybrid

Source: Marston Exotics

Intermediate/ Lowland

Very vigorous & beautiful male hybrid. Produces lovely tubby red & green lower pitchers and yellow upper pitchers. Does well grown in a hanging pot.





N. spectabilis x ventricosa

Man Made Hybrid

Source: Borneo Exotics



Lovely looking & vigorous easy to grow hybrid.


Unrooted cutting




N. x Predator ( N. truncata x hamata)

Man Made Hybrid

Source: Exotica Plants




N. ventricosa x inermis

Man Made Hybrid

Source: Wistuba



Very robust and attractive male hybrid. Lovely lower & upper pitchers.


N. ventricosa x maxima

Man Made Hybrid

Source: Borneo Exotics




N. ventricosa red x pectinata

Man Made Hybrid

Source: Exotica Plants








SARRACENIA (American Trumpet Pitcher) Species & Hybrids

S. alata

Source: P J PLants

Adrian Slack stock

medium sized plants

Old Pitchers cut back for posting

S. Flava CV "Maxima"

Giant Yellow Trumpet

Source: Adrian Slacks original nursery


Freshly divided very large one or more growing points rhizome with extensive root system

Old Pitchers cut back for posting


S. Leucophylla

White Trumpet

Source: Adrian Slacks original nursery


Freshly divided one or more growing points rhizome with extensive root system medium sized plants

Old Pitchers cut back for posting

S. oreophila

Source: Andreas Wistuba


Freshly divided one or more growing points rhizome with extensive root system medium sized plants

Old Pitchers cut back for posting



S. purpurea Subsp. venosa

Source: Adrian Slacks original nursery

medium sized plants

Old Pitchers cut back for posting

S. x Dixie Lace

(leucophylla x rubra wherryi) x (psittacina x purpurea)

Source: Mike Davis

Freshly divided one or more growing points rhizome with extensive root system medium sized plants

Old Pitchers cut back for posting


S. x Excellens?

Source: CPS seed bank


Young plants

Old Pitchers cut back for posting

S.x Popei

(S.Flava x Rubra hybrid)

Source: Marston Exotics

( Adrian Slacks stock )


Freshly divided one or more growing points rhizome with extensive root system medium sized plants

Old Pitchers cut back for posting








Venus Flytrap B52 Form

Source: Mike King

medium sized plant

Venus Flytrap Red Clone Form

Source: Marston Exotics


medium sized plants

Venus Flytrap "Spider" G27 Clone

Source: Graham Sadd


Young plants

Venus Flytrap G16 Clone

Source: Graham Sadd

medium sized plants





Venus Flytrap Upright form

Source: P J Plants

medium sized plants


Venus Flytrap Sawtooth

Source: Mike Davis

Young plants

Venus Flytrap Adrian Slack Extra Large Form

Source: Adrian Slacks original nursery


medium sized plants